Monday, November 8, 2010

Third of Three

This is the final of three pieces I plan to carry forward in the design of my furniture family. From here on out it's all refinement.

Just to clarify

It has been brought to my attention that while I am several weeks into my work I have yet to clearly state my intent in a single concise sentence. So to clarify, my design intent is,
"To create a family of furniture that stylishly addresses the comfortable, portable, and affordable wants and needs of young adults."

Thursday, November 4, 2010


So far these two pages are what I have worked out and polished. More yet to come...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tech Drawings

Just a couple technical drawings of one of my concepts. I had to get all the measurements down and at least somewhat to scale before deciding what was feasible. With any luck I'll be able to have a chair become a hammock and then... fold flat.

So much stuff...

Currently learning html and css coding, not to mention how to use Adobe Dreamweaver. I have not been this frustrated since my last bout with calculus.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I have narrowed my focus to three of the previous designs and have been moving forward with scale, ergonomics, styling and diagrams. Expect refined concepts within the week...